Advanced GDB Usage

This Page was a summary of the advanced gdb usge in daily work, for the basic usage of gdb will not being described here.

1. Advanced commands in using

gdb> info share - show the shared libraries load by process.
gdb> until (line number) - run until to the line number in case you want to break out the while&for loop.
gdb> finish - run out of the this function call.
gdb> call (function name) - call a function in current context.
gdb> disas (function name) - check the assembly code for a function.
gdb> run (arguments) - run the program with arguments.
gdb> bt - get the call stack for current thread.
gdb> frame (stack number) - change stack frame to specfic function call.
gdb> info regs - show the values of current registers.
gdb> list filename:line - list the code of filename:line
gdb> info - list all info sub commands and which are helpful.

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